I realize that my blog/life has centered around Eric's injury lately. However, in my defense, it has completely encompassed my life. He did have a milestone today. He was told he did not have to wear his boot unless he was moving around, and he had his stitches out. The doctor said that Eric was coming along like a champ, and (prayers answered) he was healing quite well. It was a HUGE morale booster of a day.
Later this afternoon we'll take Ray to get his new glasses. All in all, a good day for the Swicks!
Waiting for the Doctor to tell us the good news.
Ugly scar with stitches still in.
A nice orderly came to take them out. (Yes, he did agree to have his hands shown to the public for the sake of my blog.)
A slightly painful stitch removal.
All done, cleaned and steri-strips in place.