Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Is it really only 13 days????

In thirteen days we will be on the road headed to Georgia. I am at a loss about how much still needs to be done in our house and everything, but most of it is stuff that I have to wait till the appointments. I have no idea what I want to keep, throw away, and give away. Not much on the give away, I can tell you that, no one will want these castoffs. I have found clothes that I wore in high school... was that really a decade ago that I got my M*A*S*H shirt for 75 cents???? Well either way, it is a perfect excuse to get rid of old stuffs, and to finally give up on fitting into my skinny jeans. :)

The dreaded storage closet.... sigh... so much to throw away.

Another messy shelf that I need to sort through.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you are really getting down to the last few days, aren't you?? Keep us posted and we love you. Mom
