Saturday, April 2, 2011

Well that's a put-off if I ever tasted one....

Since starting the South Beach diet, lots of old "normal" things are treats to Eric and I. Like lattes. But, I don't like to spend money. So off to Wally World we went, got a beautiful, albeit inexpensive, espresso maker, and now I can make my non-fat soy or iced milk lattes. Yay!

I was so excited to try the machine when I got home. I bought some Starbucks french roast to use as my coffee, and got the machine out of the box.

I proceeded to make Eric and I iced lattes, with a little Truvia in it to sweeten it up. Eric finished mowing the lawn just as I finished the drinks. I handed one to him... we both took a drink. Then, we both got the odd look on our face. Like the machine or coffee was funny. Not completely gross, just off. I thought maybe it was the sweetener, you know how some of them can taste. Well, no, it wasn't that... then Eric says, "How old is the milk?" ( We rarely drink milk in our house) Me, "We just bought it... didn't we?"

So we went to look at the expiration date:

Today is April 2nd... by the way. With Eric gagging after smelling the milk and pouring it down the drain, it kind of put me off of lattes for a little while. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. too funny!
    what fun to treat yourself to a new treat maker (:
    best of luck rockin' the SB diet!!
    send you lots and lots of love (:
