Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm tired, You're tired, let's Eat!

Eric had 24 hour duty last night. I'm not including any pictures of people in this post because we both look like a train hit us. :) Eric came home this morning at 8am after I had gotten all the kiddos off to school. He looked at me and said, "let's go eat."

Of course, that's what I was thinking (right...) I'm super sick and you're super tired, let's go out to eat. But, my husband, the smartest man in the whole world, knows of what he speaks. He took me to a dive diner called Ruth Anne's in Columbus. I had a breakfast I NEVER have, and ate almost 1/2 of it! Eric polished off the rest. We then topped off our exciting morning by coming home and sleeping until Bryan came home from school. AAaaahhhh excitement.


  1. Starve a cold, feed a fever...or is it feed a cold, starve a looks like you did it! glad you can eat...and what is that brown thing on the plate? beans? brains? quail? rabbit? possum?

  2. That is a VERY flavorful, if a little chewy, ribeye steak with my eggs. I love country breakfasts. And, I am slightly glad it's not "starve a fever" because then I wouldn't have eaten for the last 38 days LOL.
