I have, as we all know, been sick for almost two months. Thankfully the new medicine I am on seems to be making everything better. So, for those two months I did little for my appearance or anything else, for that matter. This morning on my way to school I happened to catch a glimpse of my shadow... It looked like I had a football helmet on my head. Then, I looked in the mirror. My hair looked something like Anthony Michael Hall's character in Weird Science. (Google it, it isn't pretty.)

I have been growing my hair out from a pixie style that I got late spring, so I haven't even had a hair cut in months. I went in and told the lady I needed a hair cut that I could grow out more. So, basically, I needed a shaping. She did a good job, and she fixed the overall bowl/football helmet look that I was so beautifully sporting.

When she handed me the mirror my first thought was: "Erma Bombeck"
then I went to: "Maybe a little bit of Audrey added in." (might have been wishful thinking there)
Either way... This is what I ended up with. At least it will grow out soon and be the hairstyle that I truly want it to be.
I don't think I have ever thought of those two women in the same sentence. Or even in the same library! Just get yourself one of those orange parasols and you will have the Audrey thing going on. You look cutely fine...really. Love you, Mom