Thursday, December 16, 2010

Good Morning Martha... er Alison

I've been a baker for a very long time... I've also had insomnia for quite a few years. My husband accepts it and understands the fact that they often go together.

This morning at 345 I was wide awake. And, being one to not waste time trying to go back to sleep, I decided to be productive.... Ray needed 52 decorated sugar cookies for class, I needed to make shortbread cookies for all my co-workers, and generally get a start on my holiday baking. At five fifteen I had baked off all the sugar cookies and had the shortbread mixed and ready to go. Hopefully I'll be completely done by eight.

And, on the bright (ugh) side, now I have the whole day to ... do laundry and clean my house for company ... :(

fifty two cookies!

a dirty kitchen at four fifteen in the morning

almost done!

i'm always leery about making candy cane cookies, they can come out looking sooooo wrong lol

yay! how cute are those!


  1. Very nice. You were baking while we were cooking here, too. See my newest blog post.
    Love you, Mom

  2. u know what is so strange ... for the 16th, 17th i kept waking up at 3:30a as well. granted that would be 6:30 for u, but isn't that odd?

    can i order some of the sweet white ones with extra sprinkles... yum yum yum! makes me want some milk and your cookies and an old funny movie and of course, you (:

    Miss you,
