I didn't have to work for a whole day today, so we decided to take the afternoon and go to the Big City for lunch. Neither Eric nor I knew what we wanted to eat, but I was convinced by the attitude of both of us we needed to eat soon! (We both get a little poopy when hungry) I remembered that down in the college-town area there was a restaurant that Mom and Dad had read about on a web site. That in itself was a hilarious story involving non-existant jazz clubs and good food.... but I digress. We decided to go to Coco Bolo's, not knowing at all what to expect. The weather was a bit breezy and their patio was super nice and inviting. The smell of fire roasting food was the first thing to hit you when you walked up to the door. We opted to sit outside, still not knowing the food type. While looking at the menu, which had cute foodisms like "south of the border" and "tween two halves" for samiches. They have both Cubanesc and Texican fare. We chose the appetizer trio and Pork Cuban Sammiches with Taters Las Cruces.... note: the taters had no description so I was expecting potatoes on a cross. We got the appetizers and immediately fell in love with a new kitchy restaurant locale. The Cuban sammy was scrumdidilyumptious too. All in all it was a good exploration out of our normal area, and a great food find.

Cuban Grilled Pork Sandwich and Taters Las Cruces... not on a cross obviously :)
Eric surprised that the taters were that scruptious, like a mix of huevos rancheros (without egg) and an enchilada over hash browns
Looks yum-oh! Can't wait to see you in two days!!