Friday, October 1, 2010

Homecoming, long overdue

So my husband is home safely after two months of hard work in Alaska. I'm pretty sure his hard work consisted of: eating out every night, fishing, relaxing, watching tv, oh.... and a little work for the ARMY. But, nonetheless, I am super happy he is home. Tonight, to celebrate, I made steak with chimmichuri sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, and romaine salad with dressing from the Olive Garden. Omygoodness, what a feast... in the immortal words of my father. You would have thought that he had been a starved man who wasn't given more than a crust of bread while he was gone. But, it feels good to cook for someone again, the world is back in order.


  1. Hey, welcome! I am now a follower of you. Go on mine and become a follower of me.
    :) Love, Mom

  2. Charlie like's the kitty-cat picture. And speaking of the rents and feasts, MnD are hosting an October autumnal celebration today it's gonna be OH, MY! What a FEAST!!

    See you two soon
