No one will ever accuse me of not loving my husband as much as I can love him. He is the man who grounds me and makes me a little less "spinning out of control anxious over every little iota that is happening in life" and a little more "everything is gonna be just fine". That being said, we are going on vacation tomorrow morning and there is N..O..T..H..I..N..G done in my house. I have been working all week while he's been on vacation, so he's already in the "vacation" frame of mind I guess. Either way I am spinning a little since nothing has been packed, the house hasn't been cleaned, Hopkins' instructions for care haven't been typed or printed for the wonderful woman who is taking care of him, I haven't chosen my travel outfit/book/shoes, and there is still much laundry to fold. And, this is my husband....
helping... In his own way I guess.

laundry to fold and put away
Kitchen to clean

But the man does have some great ideas.... I think I'll relax a wee bit, understand that it will all get done on time and maybe have a rum and coke. AAAHHhhh vacation begins.
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