Friday, May 27, 2011


I knew that upon moving to Georgia, things would be different. The weather would be muggier. The pace would be slower. The people would be kind and polite and friendly.

BUT.... I didn't realize quite about the bug situation. I have never live in a house in my adult life where bugs ran rampant through closed windows/doors/screens/and bug spray.

This morning, whilst making some pita bread dough, I discovered a HUGE HUGE cricket in the corner of my kitchen. Which led me to move the cabinet a little to get to him... which led to a huge screaming fit because I found a ton (I consider 6 a ton, for those of you who think I have a tendency to exaggerate) of spiders, which led to cleaning... lots of cleaning.

On the bright side, the guy is coming today to spray for bugs. The house is clean. And, the pita bread dough is rising. Lord save me from the bugs!

1 comment:

  1. Hate spiders! And when i was pregnant with Ashley a cricket (I thought it was a cockroach) almost made me pass out in fear. You go kill, girl.
