Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy VD Day

That is what I've said to people on valentine's day for ever since I was in high school. I know that it sounds odd, but at least the sentiment is there.

This year valentine's was very low key. I was still pretty much down for the count with my head cold/kidney stones. The boys, Ray, Nat and Mason, were scheduled to fly out to their respective other homes on the morning of the 15th so it was even more of an odd day. I did want to make a nice meal for them, so Eric and I sat down and made home-made mandus and a Chinese food feast for them. It was a bit tiring but very nice as a last family meal with all of us.

Ray will be back in the summer, and I'm not too sure about the other boys, but we know that they are happy where they are. It was a bit of a bittersweet day. Eric did make it a little better by getting me some flowers... for which I didn't have a vase so I had to improvise.

Most wonderful tasting home-made mandus

Holiday tradition of wrestling in our house... Ray won, Eric has a HUGE rug burn on his arm now

Mandus waiting to be cooked for the eatin'

My improvised vase... the hospital gave me a urinal that Eric cut the top off of. I think it only adds to the beauty of my flowers.

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