Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Movin on down to the... south side? (Not sure if that works)

Well, we are in. Our house, that is. It has been a long and arduous trip with lots of ups and a few downs. One of the worse things that is wrong is that we have to wait till Thursday to get our furniture. Sigh. I hate hate hate sleeping on an air mattress. It is as bad as sleeping on a cement floor basically.

But our house is beautiful. God does work wonders. It has been sitting vacant for the last five months, and the leasing office had no clue why. If you had seen some of the other houses we saw, well lets just say that this one costs less in rent, and is WAY nicer than any other house we saw. (It just needs furniture... come on Thursday!!!!)

Michelle completely surrounded in my car with stuff we bought for the new house

Eric driving, and almost completely surrounded by new stuff (very important TP)

Me, documenting the whole ordeal

Eric and Todd hard at work putting together some new shelves for the house

Mason... doing the only thing one can do in a house with no furniture... playing video games

Kitchen, view from the living room

More shelves, er chest of drawers? No clue, but he does good work and he's cute

Kitchen, view from the laundry room

Me painting a my wall


Finished product (that is one of two pieces of actual furniture in the house, the rest is on the way)

Nat and Eric next to the other piece of furniture

I painted a wall in the living room, because, as I told Eric, I'm not going to live in a house with no decorations. I do not want to be the "white wall" house with an anesthetic feel to it. So, one wall is a nice mossy green. How fun. Hopefully tomorrow will pass quickly... it should, I get my new washer and dryer tomorrow. And then, I'll have my couch back!

1 comment:

  1. Alison, this looks wonderful! So glad to see the house. And you, too. We are so excited and happy for you.
    Love you, Dad and Mom
