Friday, September 16, 2011

Thank you, Mr. Bus-driver, for my bedtime back.

There had been a great loss in our house recently. Bryan was devastated. Eric and I were perturbed and anxious. The other boys... well I'm not sure they noticed.

Bryan was prescribed glasses and got them on Saturday. He wore them all day Sunday and took them to school Monday. We never saw them again... Poor glasses, I was getting attached to them. Bryan received a sentence of 1/2 hour earlier bedtime until the glasses were found or we bought new ones.

Yesterday, after a rough week in the our little household, I was greeted by this angelic face running in from the school bus.

The bus driver found them, and for that we are all happy. Bryan has his bedtime back, and we have a little more sanity in the budget this month. :)


  1. WHAT a cutie!! Love to all of you!

  2. Oh how I can relate to that problem! Shelby has broken glasses, accidentally flushed a pair that he sat on the back of the toilet, lost a pair on the playground, had a pair flattened after being in a nasty car wreck and that is only the things I can recall at the moment. :) So maybe what I should say to you is....get used to it, haha!!!

    Glad he found them. Can you even believe how much glasses cost???????

  3. I know right???? Three of my kids wear them, but the older ones know I'll kill em dead if they lose them. (Not really, but I'd certainly feel like it.) LOL
