Friday, November 12, 2010

A House in Mourning

Mom sent me an email saying that Dave Niehaus died yesterday. I honestly didn't think much of it as I scrolled through the article link, but as I read more I begin to think about almost every summer and fall having his voice throughout our house while I was growing up. My mom cheering loudly when he would yell "my oh my" and how it seemed that there wasn't a game missed. That made me tear up a bit... because we will never have that time again. Now a new announcer will be telling the play by plays and mom and dad will still probably be listening, but my sister and I won't be there, and it will forever be different. I didn't think I would care as much as I realize that I do. His death is not only sad for the team that I grew up listening to while my mom cooked, but for a family that, without realizing it, centered many memories together around his voice.

You will be missed Dave Niehaus, not only by the Mariners, but by a grown up girl in Kansas too...

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet little memorial for Dave. We will miss those times, too.
    Love you,
