Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Hobby.... Cus I Have So Much Spare Time :)

I have been remiss in making time to create blogs, however in my defense.... I've been quite busy with work, Ray moving back home, planning for a move, and all the normal holiday stress.

So, to add to my already busy lifestyle, I have started a new hobby. I have been wanting to make my own beads and jewelry for quite some time, and finally Eric took me shopping for all the necessary starter materials. I spent this evening sitting in our living room with the coffee table as my work space. Once we move and get a bigger house I will get a craft area, but for now all my stuff is mobile. I included a few pics of all the jewelry I made today. Be ready to get "quaint, homemade and crafty" jewelry for all holidays/birthdays and the like.

This stuff is so fun! Make all sorts of designs, then bake for 15 min and they are set.

My mobile coffee table work station

Vegetable beads (clockwise from top: corn, tomato, carrot and peas)

Vegetable earrings (yes, I'm sporting them tomorrow at work)

Snowman earring - getting close to Christmas :)

Snowman on the left and Rudolph on the right... hard to see but very cute!


  1. Alison, those are SOOOO cute. I want some for Christmas. You should check out the site, where you can sell crafts.
    Fun stuff.
    Love from Mom

  2. shut-UP! those are so cute! can you make me a large artichoke one?? love it. and can't wait to meet Ray. xoxoxoxoxoxo miss you!
