Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hunter and Gathereringer???

Eric, being home for a whole two days, decided he needed a break from the rigors of our house and to go fishing. I was working at WallyWorld the whole day, so he left in the morning promising "you will be able to make what I catch for dinner tonight." I have never had anyone hunt or gather for me, so I was feeling a wee bit excited about the fact that we were going to eat what he caught. On my lunch break I recieved a text message with a picture of a HUGE fish on his hook. Things were looking good for dinner!

Well, apparently the zoom feature was in use on that picture. Bless his heart, he caught four fish with enough meat on them to make about three fish McNuggets. I'm sure if this had been Biblical times we would have had plenty, but for two grown adults, I ended up supplementing his dinner with a pork chop. Either way, we had a few bites of fish which were delicious, and he promised to catch more next time.

1 comment:

  1. omg!! You are too funny LOVE The pix of Eric. Too cute.
    Can't wait to see you two.
